“An excellent, insightful, and inspiring presentation….”
—Rabbi Aharon Feldman, Rosh Yeshiva, Ner Israel Rabbinical College, Baltimore, MD
“This unique book…deals with one of the most confusing issues of our generation…. Not through specious arguments or apologetics, but through presenting an eternal truth…with depth…[and a] comprehensive coverage of a wide range of sources…. This book is not for the reader who is looking for quick or superficial answers, but the serious seeker, who seeks understanding into one of the most fundamental topics in creation, [who] will find direction and insight….”
—Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky, Rosh Yeshiva, Yeshiva Gedola of Washington
“[The author has] rigorously researched the relevant authoritative sources across the spectrum of Torah thought; Halachic, Aggadic…philosophic, and more, [and] profoundly presents a panorama of this much discussed but little understood topic with clarity and sophistication, sensitivity and vision. The reader of Circle, Arrow, Spiral: Exploring Gender in Judaism embarks upon an exciting voyage of discovery; discovery of worlds that he or she might never have known existed, but once discovered the reader will know him- or herself as never before.”
—Rabbi Todros Miller, Vice Principal, Jewish Teachers’ Training College, Gateshead, England
“…Almost every paragraph seems to astonish with new insights, all crafted into a whole tapestry which emerges at the end. Mrs. Kosman provides a most delicious feast of sources to back up all that she says, and presents her work at a level of writing rarely achieved in Torah books.… The book checks out at every level…. Carefully selected contemporary examples flow out of the paradigm Mrs. Kosman builds for us…[and] provide[s] a cascade of insights, woven into a whole gestalt, true to Torah and true to life. “
—Rabbi Avraham Edelstein, Director, Ner LeElef